Instructions: How to install KDE Plasma desktop environment and connect to Ubuntu remote desktop from Windows These instructions will guide you step-by-step on how to first establish an SSH connection to your Ubuntu system, install the KDE Plasma desktop environment, and finally connect your Windows machine to the Ubuntu remote desktop. By following these instructions, you will succeed even if you have never used Linux before.

  1. SSH connection to Ubuntu Open the Command Prompt or PowerShell in Windows.

    Connect to your Ubuntu server with the following command:

    ssh username@IP-address

    Replace "username" (e.g., root) and "IP-address" with the IP address of your server, which you can find in the location shown in the image.

    If you see the following warning, follow the instructions below:

    Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
    It is also possible that a host key has just been changed.

    Enter the following command at the prompt (replace "yourvpsipaddress" with your server's IP address):

    ssh-keygen -R yourvpsipaddress

    Accept the new key: The program will ask, "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?" Type yes.

    Enter your password and log in to Ubuntu.

  2. Installing KDE Plasma desktop environment on Ubuntu KDE Plasma is a modern and visually appealing desktop environment. Here's how to install it:

    Update the package list:

    sudo apt update

    Install the Kubuntu desktop package:

    sudo apt install kubuntu-desktop -y

  3. Configuring remote desktop connection on Ubuntu Step 1: Installing xrdp server Update the package list:

    sudo apt update

    Install the xrdp server:

    sudo apt install xrdp -y

    Check if the xrdp server is running:

    sudo systemctl status xrdp

    If the status is “active (running)”, the server is working correctly.

    Step 2: Configuring xrdp server port (optional) Edit the xrdp configuration file:

    sudo nano /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini

    In Nano, you can move the cursor with the arrow keys!

    Change the port number to your preference – for example:


    Save the changes:

    Press Ctrl+X, then y, and finally Enter.

    Restart the xrdp service:

    sudo systemctl restart xrdp

    Step 3: Configuring the firewall (ufw) Check the firewall status:

    sudo ufw status

    If the firewall status is “inactive,” enable the firewall with the command:

    sudo ufw enable

    The program will prompt: "Command may disrupt existing ssh connections. Proceed with operation (y|n)?" Type y.

    Allow traffic on the xrdp port (default: 3389):

    sudo ufw allow 3389/tcp

    If you changed the port, replace 3389 with your desired port number.

    Reload the firewall settings:

    sudo ufw reload

  4. Establishing the remote desktop connection from Windows Open the Remote Desktop Connection app in Windows.

    Search for “Remote Desktop Connection” in the search field and open the app.

    Enter the IP address of the Ubuntu machine.

    If you changed the xrdp port, enter the address in the format: IP_address:port

    Enter your Ubuntu user credentials and click “Connect.”

Now you have successfully installed and configured the KDE Plasma desktop environment and Ubuntu remote desktop connection! If you encounter any issues, make sure you followed the instructions carefully and try again.

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