In this guide, I will guide you on how to get remote desktop management in Oracle linux.

Download TigerVNC

1.First go to your VPS - Install - Select Oracle linux, version oracle-9.4. Enter the password in the field below and press reinstall.

2. Open VPS - Settings - Change password, enter your password and save. You may need to restart your VPS at this point.

3. After this, open ''CMD'' from windows search.

4.Next, we write here: ssh root@(your ip which you can see in the upper left corner of your VPS) and enter.

Next cmd will ask you about ''fingerprints'' at this point just type YES and press enter.

After that, cmd will ask for your password, which you have changed in the VPS settings, enter it here and enter. (note: when you enter your password, no text appears in the text field and ENTER.)

4.1. If you get a NASTY ERROR, you can get rid of this by typing the command: ssh-keygen -R your vps server ip here (eg. ssh-keygen -R and start by logging in correctly.

5.Next you are, let's start by installing GNOME desktop with : sudo dnf groupinstall -y "Server with GUI" (this may take a while)

6.When the installation is successful, set the graphical mode to default with the command: sudo systemctl set-default and reboot with the command: sudo reboot

6.1 Installing local login to GNOME with ''sudo systemctl status gdm'', ''sudo systemctl enable gdm'' and ''sudo systemctl start gdm''

7. Also install the tigervnc server with the command: sudo dnf install -y tigervnc-server

8.Open tigervnc app, enter vnc ip and port and connect. After that, enter the password and continue.

9. A page should open where you start installing Oracle linux, continue by pressing Start setup.

10.Next, next from the upper right corner

11. Can be skipped from the upper right corner if you don't want to add users.

12.Enter by typing your name and username and next in the upper right corner

13. Next is the password and next from the upper right corner.

14.Start using Oracle linux server. and now you have installed Oracle Linux

15. In the upper left corner ''Functions'' search field, you can also change the language and keyboard to Finnish. After that, open the terminal 

Type all these commands into the terminal:

Update the system: Before installing software, make sure the system is up to date with the command:       ''sudo dnf update -y''

Install xrdp server: xrdp allows receiving RDP connections on a Linux system. Install it with the following command: ''sudo dnf install -y xrdp''

Start and enable xrdp: Start and enable the xrdp server to start automatically with the following startups: ''sudo systemctl start xrdp''

Check the xrdp server status with the command: ''sudo systemctl enable xrdp''

Check the xrdp server status with the command: ''sudo systemctl enable xrdp''
Again you can check with the command ''sudo systemctl status xrdp'' a white menu opens, you can exit this with the key ''Q''


If the server is running, it should look something like this:

After that, open the RDP port in the firewall with the following commands:

''sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=3389/tcp --permanent''
''sudo firewall-cmd --reload''
Make sure the port is open with the command:
''sudo firewall-cmd --list-all''

Also remember to reboot after these installations with the command ''sudo reboot''

16. After that, open the remote desktop in Windows and enter your VPS IP and port 3389 (you can get your own IP address either from the upper left corner of the vps or by typing ''ip a'' in the Oracle Linux terminal.

Press YES

The login page opens, enter the information of the user you created earlier. and OK

17. And once again you have to enter my password to your user to get in. And this is how you have connected windows on a remote desktop to your Oracle linux.

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