To get started, install Ubuntu by following these instructions
After you have done these and logged in to Linux
Open the menu from the bottom left corner and type ''User'' in the search field and press enter, a page opens where you can create a new user ''Add new user'' create a user and set the Account type to Adminstrator.
2. Log in with the credentials you just created. (you may have to use VPS off and on again, then just connect on remote desktop again.)
3.Open the Terminal from the menu and check that you are root @ (your own VPS name) at the beginning, but the username you just created @ your own VPS name. In this case niko@niko1
4. Let's start by entering the commands below: note!!!!.(In the lower left corner you can see the green status at which stage the installation is going) the remote connection may also be disconnected, if this happens then restart the vps and connect to the remote desktop again and start the terminal.
CTRL+SHIFT+V = paste commands / right click in terminal and paste
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
5.Install 32bit support for SteamCMD (even if you use 64bit)
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt update
6. Let's install the necessary tools
sudo apt install lib32gcc-s1 lib32stdc++6 wget tar -y
7.Let's download SteamCMD and unzip it.
wget (download)
tar -xvzf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz (extract)
8.Let's start by launching SteamCMD. Check that you are at the root of ''Steam''!!!
cd steamcmd
9. Let's install the CS2 server
force_install_dir /home/steam/cs2-dedicated
10. Let's log in, (with your credentials and you must have Steam guard on!!!!)
login (your own steam ID) and enter
enter your password and enter.
You will then be asked for the Steam Guard code, enter it and enter.
11. Next, install the CS2 files with the command: (note! This will take a while)
app_update 730 validate
if Error! 'App 730' then run the command again.
Tämän jälkeen pitäisi tulla teksti Success! App 730 fully installed.
12.Let's enable SteamCMD (Press ESC and accept with ENTER) use arrow keys to move
13. Let's install a new repository
sudo add-apt-repository multiverse; sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386; sudo apt update
14. Log in to your steam credentials again if you have accidentally logged out / restarted Terminal.
command back to home library.steamcmd
(steam (your login name))
your password and possibly a steam guard code
and finally quit to get back.
15. After this, we check if the .steam or Steam file is found
You have to be at the root, you can get here with the cd command
ls -al
16.Next we want to go back to the root with the cd command. When you are at the root, enter the commands below to change the folder.
Once you have reached the cd Steam folder, you can check what this folder contains with the ls command.
17. When you have entered the ls -al command in this folder, you should see a screen like this, here you want to see if ''cs2'' is the very first in the list
18.Let's create a startup script
After the ls -al command, the same list as earlier should open, but should appear at the bottom
19.Open the startup script. Enter the command below and press enter, after this a separate text editor will open.
20. Let's make an easy dust2 server, if you want to edit more like this:
After that press CTRL+X
After this, Y
After that, ENTER
21. Let's make the script bootable
22. Let's try to start the server.
You will get an error that the server cannot be started yet.
23. If your terminal has not frozen, then go back to the home folder with the cd command, if it has frozen, restart the terminal.
24. Next, we create ~/.steam
rm -f sdk64
ln -s ~/.steam/steam/steamcmd/linux64 ~/.steam/sdk64
ls -l ~/.steam/sdk64
Let's do the same for linux32 as wellln -s ~/.steam/steam/steamcmd/linux32 ~/.steam/sdk32
ls -l ~/.steam/sdk32
Let's check that we have done them
cd .steam
ls - al
25.Start server
Type ./
and enter
Now the server should be on but not yet working. You can shut down the server by typing quit.
26.Firewall settings (you can do it either through the terminal or through the user interface
Instructions via the terminal:
sudo -su
(then asks for the user's password)ufw status
allow new portsufw allow 27017
ufw allow 27017/udp
ufw status
(should look like this)
When everything is done 'exit' you get back to your own user.
Instructions via the user interface:
In the menu, find 'firewall' and open it
Next, the Firewall settings will open. Press 'Add rule'
Turn on the Advanced setting and 'Policy Allow', 'Destination to port 27017' and create.
Make another one similar but only change 'Protocol' to UDP and create
By typing ./
you start the server.
Now you can open the CS2 console and type
connect (my vps ip) (your port)
e.g. connect
How to enable Console?
How to open CS2 console? Enter the key from which you want the Console to open in the field.
If you want to start your server more easily by creating a shortcut on your desktop, you can do it this way:
Right-click an empty spot on the desktop "Create new", "Link to application"
Click on "Change" in the middle, a new page will open where "Add" is shown below, click on it
Search for "console" in the search bar, select it and OK. next, move Konsole to the top so that KWrite is in the middle and Okular is at the bottom. After these, OK
Next we open the "Application" page, here "Program" is next to "Browse" find here your program and click OPEN.
When you have done these and you have found the right path to the Program, open "Advanced options", from here enable "Run in terminal" and OK.
Now there is an application on your desktop that, by clicking, your cs2 server will open just by clicking.