Oracle verison upgrade instructions (8 -> 9)
Running these commands could break your system, remember to create backups!
Start by updating your packages:
sudo dnf update -y
sudo reboot
Install leapp:
sudo dnf install -y leapp-upgrade
Run the preupgrade check:
sudo leapp preupgrade --oraclelinux --enablerepo /etc/yum.repos.d/leapp-upgrade-repos-ol9.repo
The end report has 2 "Inhibitoris", Let's fix that.
Check the problem from the Answers file:
sudo cat /var/log/leapp/answerfile
Run the following command, where ISSUE is the marked text:
sudo leapp answer --section ISSUE=True
Run the preupgrade check without "--installrepo ...":
sudo leapp preupgrade --oraclelinux
When you have no more Errors or Inhibitors, start the upgrade:
sudo leapp upgrade --oraclelinux --enablerepo /etc/yum.repos.d/leapp-upgrade-repos-ol9.repo
If the command above causes erros, try another repository:
sudo leapp upgrade --oraclelinux --enablerepo ol9_codeready_builder
When "upgrade" goes through without issues, reboot:
sudo reboot
Choose "OL-Upgrade-Initramfs":
Oracle should be upgraded now.
Check the version:
cat /etc/os-release