How to point a domain to your minecraft server

This guide requires, that you have a cPanel-account, and an active domain.

You must be logged in to your cPanel



1. Navigate to the "Domains"-section, and open "Zone Editor".


2. Select "Manage" under the domain you wish to use.


3. Choose "Add Record".


4. In the "Name" field, type the subdomain you wish to point to your minecraft server. In this example, I'm writing "Play". The rest of your domain fills in automatically.

In the "Record" field, write your Minecraft server IP address. Then hit "Save Record".


5. Then we'll create an SRV record. This tells the DNS-server, that the domain points to a minecraft server.

Fill in the following information to your record:

Name: _minecraft._tcp.(Subdomain from step 4).
Type: SRV
Priority: 0
Weight: 5
Port: (Your Minecraft serer port)
Target: (Domain specified in step 4)


You can now connect to your Minecraft server using the new domain.


Please note that it doesn't update immediately, but can take from a few minutes to several hours.

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