/ Instructions on how to install the operating system


1. When you have purchased a dedicated server for yourself, you will receive login credentials in your e-mail. Log in with

2. When you're logged in, you'll see your own dedicated servers, click on the folder image on the right side.

3.Open the noVNC KVM Console


5. You may get a warning when you log in, but you don't need to worry about this, you can continue by pressing "Advanced" and "Accept the risk and continue"

5.1 Next, log in to your panel, from the upper right corner you can click directly on "send login"to username and "send password" to password.

6.Opening HTML5 opens remote management from your dedicated server.

6. If you open some pages in your panel that you cannot close yourself, you have to wait 15-30 minutes and it will turn off by itself.

For example, if you press "Close Session" here, you will not be able to leave this page yourself.

Close the "Close Session" tab and wait 15-30 minutes.

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