1. When you have purchased a dedicated server, you should receive login information for the dedicated.tietokettu.net page in your e-mail, log in.

2. Open your own dedicated server by pressing the folder image on the right.

3. Click on "Reinstall" in the lower left corner

4. Reinstall OS and select Proxmox VE 8, also save the password and root password.


5. Go back to the home page and open the noVNC KVM Console

6. Next, log in to the panel by pressing "Send Login" and "Send Password" in the upper right corner.

7. Click on HTML5

8. Now the server starts installing Proxmox, this installation can take up to (1h), so let it install in peace and don't rush. At some point, the installation may seem like it's stuck, but it's not.

9. The server will then restart, then connect back to your server and wait a moment. Then press F1

10. Then we can log in to the web panel, with this IP, which is shown in noVNC

11. Then log in with the username "root" and the password you set in step 4

12. Pull down the dropdown menus on the left side, then click "ISO Images" and "Upload"

13. Then choose your ISO which you want to use, then press "Upload". This can take up to (1h)

14. Then press "Create VM"

15. Here you can give the VM a name, then press "Next"

16. Here you choose your ISO. Then "Next"

17. In most use cases, you can skip the System tab. Here you define how much storage space you give to the VM

18. Here you define how many Cores you give to the VM

19. Here you define how much memory you give to the VM

20. Here you configure the network for the VM. I won't connect VM online.

21. Here is a summary of the VM. Then press "finish"

22. Here select your VM and then press "Start" and your VM will start

23. Then wait a while for the machine to start, and then press "Console".

24.Installing Alma Linux.

Here you select the language in which you will install Alma Linux

25. Here you have to select the disk on which I will install Alma Linux, then press "Done"

26. Then the Root user password is set. Then press "Done"

27. Then press "Begin Installation"

And now Alma Linux is installed on our VM! Installation can take up to 30 minutes.


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