You have to make a support ticket for this and there will be a €25 service fee.
If you know more than one Reverse DNS, mention all the addresses at once because 1 search is always €25
You have to make a support ticket for this and there will be a €25 service fee.
If you know more than one Reverse DNS, mention all the addresses at once because 1 search is always €25
An A-record (Address Record) is associated with an IP address and is the most common name server...
In this guide I will tell you how to get DNS control for yourself. (NOTE! If you want to direct...
In this guide I will show you how to transfer your domain to us or somewhere else. 1. First you...
In this guide I will show you how you can change your domains nameservers. 1. At first you need...
Sinun täytyy olla kirjautunut cPaneliin After that, click "Create A New Domain" If...