Linux Nano is a word processor that allows you to edit text files. It is a simple, easy-to-use and practical tool that is especially suitable for new users and beginners who are not used to working with complex word processing programs.

Getting started with Linux Nano is not difficult. You can start from the command line with the following command: nano filename. This will open the file in the Nano editor. You can also use the following command to open a new file: nano -n new_file.

Linux Nano provides a user interface that includes several tools and features. It supports editable text such as text formatting, markup and layout. Nano is also compatible with many scripts such as Shell, Perl, Python and C.

Nano also offers several useful features such as color and font editing, highlighting of entries and searches, moving and deleting blocks and lines, text locking and much more.

Linux Nano is easy to use and is designed to make text processing easier for users. It is popular because it is fast and easy to use, it is also compatible with many different platforms. It's also relatively easy to learn and comes with full documentation.


Opening Nano is easy, you just type nano on the command line


And nano open


examples of nano commands:

1. cd - moving to the folder

2. ls - listing files and folders

3. mkdir - creating a new folder

4. rm - delete a file or folder

5. mv - moving or renaming files and folders

6. cp - copying files and folders

7. sudo - operating with root user rights

8. man - viewing the help

9. echo - printing text

10. printing the cat file

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