In this article i teach you how to make backups using JetBackup


1. Log in to cPanel


2. Navigate down to the "Files" category, and open "JetBackup 5".


3. On the JetBackup page you will see various tools. With the "Restore & Download" tool you can create backups of almost anything.


4. We can for example create a full backup of this whole system. So 

Voisimme esimerkiksi luoda varmuuskopion koko tästä systeemistä. So let's create a backup of everything we can e.g.: home directory, cron-jobs, databases etc..


5. Let's start by pressing "Full Backups".


6. Then, once you are on this page you can select the first item in the list and press download from the bottom.


7. From this section you can also remove certain items that you don't want to back up, by pressing "Remove items". When you want to create a backup press "Download Selected Items".


8.  In the Queue tab you can see when your download is ready. 


9. In the Downloads tab you can see all the backups you have made and download them for yourself.


We hope this guide helped you to use JetBackup! If you have any problems please contact us via the support ticket.

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