Common Issues
1. Couldn't find resource <resource filename>
This issue occurs because the server cannot find the resource in the "resources" folder. Make sure the desired resource is in the specified folder and check that it is written correctly in the "server.cfg" file. After that, restart the server.
2. Server doesn't appear in the list
The most common reason the server doesn't show up in the list is incorrect settings in the "server.cfg" file. Make sure there are no errors in the file, as they can prevent the server from appearing in the list. Also, remember to wait about 5 minutes after the server starts, as it may take a while before the server appears. Also, make sure that there is no #-symbol in front of the "sv_master1" line in the "server.cfg" file. Make sure the server name matches what you typed in the FiveM server search. Check that the following lines in the "server.cfg" file are correct:
endpoint_add_tcp "",
endpoint_add_udp ""
3. Can't create a database?
Creating the game server's database is easy. Go to the "Server Management" section, then go to "Database" and select "Create new database". If you have already created the database and can't connect to it, create the database again as follows. Select "Create new" from the right side. In the "Database" field, enter the name you want to call it. Leave the "Connections" field empty. After that, you can connect to the database using the following information. If you still can't log in, make sure you copy the password by highlighting it, not by double-clicking. You can also check the login information by opening the "server.cfg" file and looking for the "set mysql_connection_string" section. Example below.
Database: testdb123
Username: user123
Password: secret123
MySQL address:
In the "server.cfg" file, this section reads as follows:
set mysql_connection_string "server=;database=testdb123;userid=user123;password=secret123"