In this article I will show you how to activate a new SSL certificate for your domain.


1. First log in to cPanel


2. Then on the cPanel tools page, look for "Security" and then "SSL/TLS".


3. Once you are on this page, select "INSTALL AND MANAGE YOUR SITE'S SSL SECURITY(HTTPS)" and tap "Manage SSL sites".



4. Add a certificate, if you have a certificate follow step A if not follow step B.

A. The following text boxes shown below are also on the cPanel SSL/TLS management page.

From the following sites you can find your own certificates. Let's Encrypt, Sectico.


B. If you want to use certificates and certificate keys provided by Let's Encrypt tap "Auto-fill by domain".


5. Once the certificate details have been filled in the cookie fields, you can click on the button at the bottom that says "Install certificate".



The certificate should activate automatically once you have installed it.

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