Welcome to the guide where we go through the installation of QBCore and txAdmin.
What QBCore and txAdmin mean:
QBCore is a popular framework for FiveM, a modification framework for Grand Theft Auto V. It is designed to help developers create roleplay servers with various features such as jobs, inventory, banking, and more. QBCore is open-source and modular, allowing server owners to customize it according to their needs.
txAdmin is a web-based administration tool for FiveM servers. It provides an easy-to-use interface for managing server settings, monitoring players, handling database configurations, and automating tasks like restarts and backups. txAdmin helps server owners and administrators efficiently manage their servers without needing extensive technical knowledge.
NOTE! before you start, make sure you have two open ports. If you can't find two ports, please create one for yourself using the instructions below.
1. Go to "Network" and press "CREATE ALLOCATION"
2. Once you have created the port, look at the port number. Note: Do not make it Primary!
3. Next, we add this port to the startup settings as the txAdmin port under the "Startup" tab.
4. Also enable txAdmin for the next step.
Great! We have now added a port for txAdmin now we can start the step-by-step tutorial below for installation.
Here begins the step-by-step tutorial to set up txadmin
1. If you have not yet enabled txAdmin, enable it as shown in the picture above.
2. Go to the "Console" window, and start the server. The IP address is required in the next step.
3. Find this line in the console (this is your-public-ip):
4. Enter the address your server ip (from step 2), and the port you see in the console. In this example it would be
NOTE, the address is not Make sure you enter the actual IP address of your server.
5. Enter the PIN code from step 3.
6. Connect your account to txAdmin. Follow the on-screen instructions.
7. Set a name for your server in step 2.
8. Select "Popular Recipes".
9. Select QBCore Framework.
10. Click save and continue setup
11. Click Next
12. Go back to the panel, navigate to the Databases section, click New Database, name it, and click Create Database
12.1 Check the information in the database.
13. Go back to txAdmin and click Show/Hide Database options (advanced). Write the information from the panel here, such as: username, database port, and others.
13.1 If you get error like this check your database information, because you just entered wrong thing.
14. Change the endpoints, because if you dont change them you cant connect to server.
endpoint_add_tcp " port"
endpoint_add_udp " port"
set sv_forceIndirectListing true
set sv_listingIpOverride port
set sv_proxyIPRanges ",,"
14.1 You can find the server port in the example image below.
14.2 After the change they need to look like this.
15. The server should now be ready for use. If you can't get in, please report it to support and we'll help you!
You can connect by pressing F8 and typing "connect ip:port", for example: