Sinun täytyy olla kirjautunut cPaneliin
After that, click "Create A New Domain"
If you press "Submit" you will get one new domain with the name you typed in this example, the new page will be
But if you press "Submit And Create Another", you will get this new site and you will get to make a new site as well.
If you uncheck "Share document root":
In the upper menu, you can select a web page in front of which you write a new page of your choice.
In the lower menu, you can use a subdomain, which means that what you write will appear in front of your current website.
And the same choices as without ruks.
If you press "Submit", you will get one new domain with the name you have entered in this example, the new page is
But if you press Submit "And Create Another", you get this new site and you get to make another site.