Instructions how to reinstall Windows Server 2019 V2.

  1. Go to and log in to your account.


1.1 Open your account.


1.2 In your dashboard open your "Services".


2. From this list, open your own active VPS.

3. From your vps management, open "Install section" "Reinstall OS" and from Windows select "Windows 2019 V2"

below these, enter your password for Windows and continue by pressing "Reinstall".


3.1 Enter the password you will use to log into Windows in the future and continue "Reinstall".



4.Start VPS.



5.Start windows remote desktop management and enter your VPS ip in the "Computer" field, and connect (yhdistä).



6. After the connection, a page will open asking for the login credentials of the remote machine, you can find these in your VPS Settings - Change Password.

In this case, the Username would be Administator and the password which you have defined yourself.



7. A window will open where you press "Yes", after which you will be registered directly on the Windows desktop.



8.After this, you can log in to Windows or it can take you directly to the desktop.

If you have to log in, enter your username and password that you set during the Windows installation.


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