Purchasing a VPS server

A VPS server is a good and affordable choice for running your own systems, but this option is not suitable for beginners. A VPS server requires much more knowledge about security and the operating system you are running on your server.

Once you have decided on a package, click "subscribe" to select a package. If you chose a custom package, you will initially be presented with a checkbox listing various technical information. If you feel you do not understand enough of the specifications in front of you, we recommend you consider the following packages: (Normal & Power). These packages are guaranteed to be a safe choice for maintaining an efficient system. If you decided to proceed with your custom subscription, please click "continue" to continue the subscription.

In the next screen, we will ask you for your server installation details. If you have a domain name that you want to redirect to your server, enter the domain name in the checkbox labeled "hostname". On every Linux server, the root name of the system is root and the "Root Password" section asks for the root password. Below you will be able to select the operating system that will be installed on your server. If you want the "Windows server" operating system, you will need to request its installation separately (instructions for that in this article), but Database "does not understand Windows server licenses at the time of product purchase". If you want to install a Linux operating system and have never used Linux before, we recommend "ubuntu" for beginners. If you still want to change your payment interval and save money, you can do so at the top of the screen. Next, select "continue" from the right-hand side of the screen.qw

If you are a new customer, please enter your details in the boxes below. If you already have a customer account, click on "Current customer?" in the top right-hand corner to log in to your current customer account and complete your order. At the bottom of the order form, you will find a payment method where you can select your preferred payment option, and below that there is an "additional information section (Please enter in this column the information that you want your server to run Windows server operating system)".

After ordering, the server details will be delivered to your email (takes about 5-30min), but if you enter additional information in the "Additional information" section, the order will wait for confirmation from our customer service. If the subscription is not active.

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