Here are instructions on how to enable Windows 10 to use VNCviewer and connect all Windows remote desktops.

1.First you need VNCViewer (installation guide)

Now that you have started downloading, you can find it in the download history or by opening Files and Downloaded files. Click this to open

A menu opens where you select the language, we take English when Finnish is not an option and OK.

Next click Next

Accept the terms of the license agreement and Next.

Install the application, 'browse' you can choose where to install the application. Otherwise, you can just press Next.

Next Install, after this a small window may open with options related to installation YES / NO.

Now you have installed RealVNC, after this, when you start RealVNC, the application may ask you for user information, but this can be used without a user.

If the picture below doesn't open automatically, from the top left corner 'File' 'Sing in'.

2. After this, log in to your VPS, go to Settings - VNC - and change your eight-character long password and restart the VPS after this is done.

3.After this, go to the Install tab, here you can choose for yourself which operating system you want for your vps, in this guide we will take windows-2019 (note only 2019) . Enter the password in the field below and save it.

4.After this, put the boot order CDROM1 - DISK1 -  in the correct order from top to bottom using the arrows next to it,
after that select Win10 from the top menu and leave the middle menu blank and save and restart the VPS.

5. Now you can start RealVnc Viewer, you can either create a user or use the application without a user, next in vnc Viewer, enter the VNC ip and port in the text field e.g. and press enter.

If you want to continue wihtout a making a user just press cancel

6. After this, you will be asked for your vnc password, which you have entered in your VPS - Settings - VNC settings.

7.Next, the login box opens, here you have to press F8 on the keyboard and turn on the CTRL and ALT keys. When you have done this, press the DEL key to get to the point where you enter your password.
At this point, you may have to press F8 again and turn off the CTRL/ALT keys. And that's how you're logged in.
Here you can also select 'Send Ctrl+Alt+Del' option.

8. Now that you have entered and want to use a remote desktop connection, press the Windows key and search for "Remote desktop settings" The settings will open where you will see the "Enable Remote Desktop" button, turn it on. A little further down you will see the login name of this computer.

9. After that, search for "Remote desktop connection" in the windows search bar and enter the login name you got in the field. e.g. WIN-123123123.
(the easiest way to get this is by copying the name from the settings ctrl+c and pasting it ctrl+v) after that connect. In this section, you can connect to someone else's remote desktop, but I need their computer name and password from them.

10. A login page will open asking for login information for this device. Username probably ADMINISTRATOR, if it is not so windows search ''your info'' and enter and you will see what this user's username is. The password is the same as the one you used to log in before.

11. And this is how you use remote desktop.

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