Choosing and ordering a web hosting package. 

Package selection

When choosing a hosting plan that suits your needs, it's good to remember that different hosting plans offer different amounts of disk space, memory, processing power, bandwidth, and other features. You should choose a package that meets the requirements of your website and suits your financial situation. Tietokettu web hosting plans start from 2.00 euros per month and vary in power and capacity. Check out the options that interest you and, if necessary, ask for help choosing a package.


Here are some examples of uses for different packages.

  1. The mini package is for small, simple websites that don't require a lot of space, power, or bandwidth. Great for portfolios or small projects, for example.
  2. The starter package is for medium and feature-rich websites that require more space, power, and bandwidth than the mini package. The starter package is well suited for medium-sized projects, such as association or club activities.
  3. The basic package is designed for large, demanding websites that need a lot of space, power, bandwidth, and other features. For example, an online game or server, Online store.
  4. The power package is designed for very large and demanding websites that need top-notch space, power, bandwidth, and other features. For example, an online store or service with high traffic and customer base. An online portal or platform that brings together different web content and services in one place.




Go to

Click Services and then Web Hosting Services.


First, choose whether you want a monthly plan or a full year plan. Select the appropriate package and click "choose package".



Enter the domain you want and choose which extension you want it on. After that, check if it is already in use or if you need to come up with something else.

You can also choose different options at this point if you already have a domain name.



Select the billing cycle you want.



Select DNS and/or Whois Security for additional services if you prefer. Select the registrant type. After this, enter your Finnish personal identity code, foreign birthday or business ID.




Check the order and proceed to payment. Here you can apply promo code if you have one.



Select a user or register. Enter your details and billing information for payment. Accept the terms and conditions and click "Confirm order".


Next, choose a payment method and proceed to checkout. Or choose an invoice.


You will receive an order confirmation and cPanel credentials by email.




Sections of the guide:

  1. Information and registration
  2. Choosing and ordering web hosting
  3. cPanel overview and deployment
  4. Change language and Create email
  5. WordPress Deployment
  6. Creating a website and online store


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