Instructions for creating an online store


Building an online store

If you haven't downloaded WordPress yet, see: WordPress Deployment


Login to WordPress Dashboard

Go to your website: https://YOURDOMAIN/wp-admin and log in


Install the eCommerce plugin, in this example WooCommerce.


Install WooCommerce:

Go to "Add-ons" and click "Add New". 

Find "WooCommerce" and click "Install Now" to install it. Activate the add-on by clicking "Enable".

Once activated, WooCommerce will guide you through the initial settings. You can configure currency, payment methods, delivery options and other important information.

Choose whether you want to install plugins recommended by WooCommerce, WooCommerce Payments is a payment provider, you need the services of a payment provider to make payments, for example, with a payment card. WooCommerce Payments can be installed at this point, or you can download and install the plugins later. Wait for the plugins (WooCommerce Payments) to be installed.



Add and remove products 

Go to the WooCommerce section “Home” and follow the instructions.


The program will guide you through adding a product. Fill in product information, such as name, description, price and stock information.


You can add products by selecting "Products" from the menu and “Add New”.

To delete products, select "Products" in the menu, hover over the product, the option "Trash" will appear.


Payment methods

Go back to the WooCommerce homepage and follow the instructions.


Select a payment provider, such as WooCommerce Payments, and create an account with a payment provider: Go to the website of your chosen payment provider and create an account if you don't already have one. Follow their instructions and fill in the necessary information.

Please note that even payment intermediation services that are free of charge still charge a small refund for payment transactions. E.g.  What are the fees for WooPayments? - WooCommerce 


Choose which payment methods you want to offer your customers, such as credit cards, PayPal, etc. To use PayPal on WooCommerce, you also need the "Payment Plugins for PayPal WooCommerce" plugin.


To start using PayPal for your business, you need to create a PayPal account on the PayPal website, first select country and continue to sign up: PayPal Global | List of Countries and Currencies | PayPal UK. After signing up with a payment provider, you'll need to retrieve API keys. You'll need an API key to connect your online store to your payment provider.


Set up your payment methods

Go to the WooCommerce settings and select "Settings".


Add your preferred payment provider. Enter the required information, such as API keys and settings.


Click on "Payments" again to select your payment methods.


Specify other important settings related to the online store, such as currency, in the "General" section.


Specify other important settings for your online store, for example, delivery methods on the "Shipping" tab. You can choose the delivery area as well as delivery options like mail, pickup, home delivery, etc. Specify
shipping costs as needed.


Design an online store

Choose the right theme for your online store or customize an existing one. You can do it under "Appearance" and "Themes". I will use the Astra theme in this instruction. Click "Customize" to start customizing.



You can access the theme menu by selecting "Customize". In the theme, you can customize the look and feel of your online store. 

In the "Global" section, you can edit e.g. Page colors, text, and buttons.

In the "WooCommerce" section, you can customize not only the main page, but also the appearance of other pages of your online store, such as the checkout page.

In the "Header Builder" section, you can customize the top bar of the site.

In the "Footer Builder" section, you can customize the bottom bar of the site. 


Bonus tip: For a multicolored effect search color you want to customize and select “Gradient”.


Once you have changed the appearance of the stealth store, be sure to save the changes by selecting "Publish".


Add pages and content

Create pages like "About Us", "Contact" and "Frequently Asked Questions" as needed.

On the main page, go to the "Pages" section and either click on an existing page to edit it or add a new page.



You can add a variety of content to your page, such as a title, text, search button, and more. Remember to save by clicking "Update".



Test and publish

Before you launch an online store, test it thoroughly to ensure that everything works flawlessly.

Once satisfied, open the online store to the public.



Remember that maintaining an online store requires constant attention. You need to follow stock levels, update products and take care of data security, and customer support. If you want, you can download extensions and add-ons that can help you to manage and grow your online store.

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