How to Manage a VPS Service? Managing a VPS server is easy through your client area. Let’s...
In this article, I will show you how to change your VPS server password through the customer...
You need to make a support ticket. We charge a €5 service fee for an unnecessary IP change.
In order to receive backups from your server, you need to purchase an additional product that...
Purchasing a VPS server A VPS server is a good and affordable choice for running your own...
In this guide I will show you how to connect in to your virtualserver with NOVNC. 1. First you...
In this article, I will show a few different services you can use to upload an ISO image via an...
Hey, in this article I will show you how to fix the "Failed to connect to server" error in NoVnc....
Tässä ohjeessa näytän, kuinka saat asennettua oman ISO-kuvan käyttäen latauslinkkiä. 1. Ensiksi...
Pterodactyl is an open-source Linux-based game server management panel. It allows you to easily...
Tmux käynnistetään komennolla tmux. Se tottelee oletuksena näppäinyhdiselmää Ctrl·B + [komento],...
This guide provides an overview of our VPS services from the very beginning. Hopefully, it will...
In this guide I will show you some basic commands in Vim text editor. 1. Open the terminal or...
Virtual Server for Businesses – A Cost-Effective and Flexible Choice A virtual server offers...